Postdoctoral Researcher in Social Sciences, Horizon Europe Project (m/w/d)

Details des Angebots

Allgemeine Informationen



Zitat vorgesetzte Person


Name vorgesetzte Person

Sabine Hoidn

Zitat zweite Person (Personalbeauftragte:r)


Name zweite Person

Patrik Aspers

Beschreibung der Stelle

Titel des Stelleninserats

Postdoctoral Researcher in Social Sciences, Horizon Europe Project (m/w/d)

Kern- und Hauptaufgaben

The successful candidate will

  • work within the NOSTRADAMUS Horizon Europe project (Research and Innovation Action) which seeks to develop a centralised Data Cube Ecosystem together with multifunctional open-source digital applications for key actors in the EU agricultural sector (e.g., farmers, advisors, SMEs, IT expert providers, policy makers) to support informed and sustainable decision making and transform the EU agricultural sector into a modern, highly efficient, inclusive, resilient and competitive sector;
  • engage in co-creation processes working in an interdisciplinary environment with experts on big data analytics, ecosystem modelling, soil science, geoinformatics, agroeconomics, computer engineering, environ-mental engineering, earth observation, among others (multi-actor approach);
  • conduct, publish and present high-quality and high-impact empirical research
    • analysing agricultural market and socio-economic data for farm decision making and policy creation,
    • investigating the socio-economic impact (direct and indirect effects) of the developed digital applications (e.g., cost-benefit analyses), and
    • contribute to transferring knowledge and co-designing (online) training activities and materials for key actors in the agricultural sector;
  • publish peer-reviewed papers, present at scientific conferences, participate in and provide support for research, organisational and administrative tasks and activities.

Erwartete Kompetenzen / Profil


Vorstellung der Organisationseinheit (im Inserat)


Beschäftigungsgrad in % (als ganze Zahl angeben)


Gewünschtes Eintrittstermin




Befristet bis


Betreut durch


Sabine Hoidn