Fully funded PhD Positions in Finance (GPEF PiF) (m/f/d) (m/w/d)

Vacancy details

General information



Zitat vorgesetzte Person

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Name vorgesetzte Person

Dr. Mirela Keuschnigg

Zitat zweite Person

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Name zweite Person

Prof. Tereza Tykvova

Position description

Job title for the advert

Fully funded PhD Positions in Finance (GPEF PiF) (m/f/d) (m/w/d)

Core and main tasks

The selection process is competitive. Only excellent students will be admitted to the PhD Programme in Finance (PiF). Admission to PiF is based on Programme Committee's evaluation of your submitted application documents ('sur dossier'). Admitted candidates will start their coursework in September.

Admitted candidates may also be hired as research assistants at their supervisor's chair. We offer teaching and research assistant positions with very competitive salaries. We offer a vibrant research community and financial support to research activities.

Expected skills / profile

Bitte ergänzen Sie die erwarteten Fach- und Sozialkompetenzen für das Profil im Stelleninserat in Bulletpoints (dieser Hinweis soll dabei überschrieben werden).

  • Grundbildung und zusätzliche Weiterbildung (bitte überschreiben)
  • Berufserfahrung im Fachgebiet (bitte überschreiben)
  • Spezielle Fachkenntnisse (bitte überschreiben)
  • Spezielle IT-Kenntnisse (bitte überschreiben)
  • Individuelle Kenntnisse (bitte überschreiben)
  • Sonstiges (bitte überschreiben)

Presentation of the organisational unit

Please make sure that you follow the instructions given on the admission website of the Graduate Programme of Economics and Finance gpef.unisg.ch (Admission PiF Finance)

Employment rate in %


Desired date of entry


Duration of assignment


Handled by

Primary contact

Mirela Keuschnigg