Contribute to our research in the areas of private equity and venture capital in one of the world’s most dynamic regions.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Morkoetter, Managing Director SGI
Our institute serves as the platform of the University of St.Gallen to explore Asia
Entry level candidates with a master degree in Banking and/or Finance and aim to pursue academic oriented research activities. Candidates for this position are expected to enroll in the PhD program in Finance at the University of St.Gallen.
Since its foundation in 2011, St.Gallen Institute of Management in Asia (SGI) has served as a platform for Asia-related teaching, research, and services. It seeks to foster a wider exchange between Asia and Europe, enabling a deeper mutual understanding of cultures, regions, and economies between Singapore and Switzerland.
The SGI’s vision is to connect students and faculty members of the University of St.Gallen with Asia, and specifically Singapore, at all levels of higher education, characterised by a practical approach and integrative view. The SGI aims to open eyes for Asia and continental Europe respectively for students and faculty alike, through exchange, teaching, learning together and research projects. The SGI strives to be St.Gallen’s platform to facilitate those collaborations by means of a permanent presence in Singapore. The University of St.Gallen seeks collaborations with local partner universities to allow students to spend part of their academic career in Singapore.